Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Behind schedule

I wanted to set this blog up a few days ago. Unsurprisingly, I couldn't find the time. Which, you can probably gather from the title is the story of my life. In the greater scheme of things, this blog will fall somewhere between a first step in getting things together and another excuse for getting further behind.

In the great tradition of cryptic first posts, I'm not sure what I'm going to write about. However, I have a few suggested topics: What I'm going to do with my life; things I find online; things I think about but am too lazy to work on. With those topics in mind, the posts will often be late. Whether that's late in the sense of a life plan already decided, a link that everyone has already seen, or the random musings that stuck around long enough to be written about.

The creation of the blog is in many ways a result of such musings. I needed a way to inspire more hard thinking about what's next. Law school, grad school, new job, old job, who knows. I always tell myself that I need to get my act together, but ESPN is a lot easier and more rewarding than life goals.

Right now, I'm hoping to keep the blog quiet for a while, outline the pros and cons of my available options. Maybe do some prep work for general application work, personal statement, resume updates, etc. Then if I stick with it, I'll give some friends the link. Most of all, I'd like to keep in the habit of writing. There was a quote about good writers I intended to include in the post, but I can't think of it now. Maybe later.

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