Monday, September 17, 2007

Real purposeful blogging

Judging solely by the title, I may avoid my usual incoherent rambles tonight. Good thing too, as I'd like to go to bed soon.

Tonight's post is real and purposeful because I did actual research into a possible future option. Consequently, observant readers will notice the new "law school" and "teaching fellows" tags. Law school will likely appear on nearly every post. It's still the inevitable. I don't know that it will be dethroned anytime soon. But, that still doesn't mean we should proceed with the coronation. Funny how that works.

I built up a little momentum last night while talking to Lauren and Katie about the future. In the recent past, we've spent more time discussing what their next moves would be as they trudged through the long unpleasant job application process. Now that Katie is starting to get settled and Lauren is widening her job search, they were curious whats next for me. I brought up DC Teaching Fellows as a new possibility on the rise. But like so many of the up and coming ideas, I know so little about it.

Maybe it's the brisk September air reminding me about all good things, I don't know, but the next morning I woke up ready to research the next step. Gone were the thirty early morning checks and instead there was a trip to the DC Teaching Fellows website. The program looks like it has a lot of potential. Part of me has always wanted to be a teacher. When I applied to be a Higher Achievement (HAP) mentor, I spoke about my mom's time as a librarian and my dad's career as a professor. Although it's rarely at the front of my mind, education has always been a huge part of my life. More importantly, the thought of a captive audience for my bad jokes is too good to pass up.

The salary looks reasonable and the prospect of reduced masters tuition could add some appeal. It has a nice blend of reasonable standard of living (43K), a definite time-frame (2 year commitment), and tangible career progress (a masters degree). Furthermore, it's something I won't be able to do later. Put more accurately, it's something I won't give myself the opportunity to do until much later. At 23, teaching for a few years has a lot of appeal. I haven't the faintest what will be appealing at 25. Perhaps I'll suffer a debilitating quarter-life crisis, or maybe my dormant ambition will finally kick in and I'll boldly seek out fame and fortune. Neither of these seem plausible, but I can't rule them out.

It's past my bedtime so I'm going to leave off here. I'm a little disappointed in this post. The secondary objective of the blog is to hone my writing skills and better harness the cleverness I sometimes display when speaking. However, the quality writing just isn't there tonight. The paragraphs seem disjointed, the sentences disconnected, and the words disorganized. Despite the flaws, Rome was not built in a day and neither is a coherent narrative about a confusing topic. Or so I try and tell myself.

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