Sunday, September 16, 2007

Weekend hiatus

The weekend is over. Sad as I am to admit it, I can't hold out any longer. Sunday nights are always hard because you have time to think about all the things you didn't accomplish, but no time to actually accomplish them. Given the larger purpose of the blog, I should have spent more time thinking about what I'm going to do with my life.

Instead, drinking and failure and all the usual things that are more fun than thinking about the future.

However, I did chance upon one good chat about law school. Much like an early front-runner in a presidential campaign, law school, "the prohibitive favorite" (my words), has been taking shots from all the other challengers. It has a sense of morbid inevitability at this point. I don't want morbid inevitability. In fact, the opposite would be much preferred. Something that takes 1-2 years, doesn't put me in debt, and gives me a good resume line / life experience is ideal. That's not law school.

Soon enough, I'll revisit the list found in the first post and I'll start to break down each option. One of those school choices is going to happen. It has a more complete sense of inevitability, but inevitable doesn't mean it has to happen now, or even that I should seek it out. I think I could be very happy running from it for a while.

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