Monday, September 24, 2007

Personal Statement Round 1

"Are you going to answer the question?"
Drowsily, I dragged my head off my desk, blinked the remaining sleep out of my eyes, and mumbled, "what was the question again?"
Replying with a familiar look of frustration, my european studies teacher repeated the question and the entire class turned in an anticipation of the reprimand I was sure to receive.
Still a little hazy from the abrupt awakening, I managed to blurt out, "The Peace of Westphalia, 1648."
The earlier frustration quickly turned to surprise and a brief glance around the classroom confirmed that no one expected me to get the right answer. Even the prettiest girl in my high school was staring at me with an expression I never expected from her. She was impressed.
It was a good feeling.
Unfortunately, it didn't last. A few minutes later, the excitement of nailing a tough question was dragged away by an irresistable sleepiness that, at the risk of sounding dramatic, felt like a riptide pulling me under the water.
As you have likely guessed, I suffer from narcolepsy.

Sometimes I'll be leaving notes for myself. Other times a different angle in brackets. I'll post again soon with the next part.

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